Finally, after months of rumors and leaks, Apple unveils its new generation iPhone 5S. The new flagship has almost the same external design as the current iPhone 5 with only some small changes on the home button and the duel-LED flash. The new handset is available in three official colors: silver, golden and gray.
The iPhone 5S features a new system chip A7 supporting 64-bit, which is pioneering in the field of smartphone. The A7 chip will allow the CPU of the 5S to run up to 40 times as fast as the original iPhone and the graphics to run up to 56 times faster. Another new feature is the fingerprint scanner equipped in the home button. It’s a convenient and highly secure way to access the phone, and it can also approve purchases from iTunes Store, the Apps Store and the iBook Store.
Together with the iPhone 5S introduced in today’s event is the iPhone 5C, which stands for Colorful. There are not many changes from the current iPhone 5 except the color and material of the body housing as well as the operating system. So the iPhone 5C is basically an iPhone 5 wrapped in a Polycarbonate shell in yellow, green, blue, red and white with an upgraded iOS 7.
The iPhone 5S costs $199, $299, $399 respectively for the 16GB, 32GB and 64GB model, and the iPhone 5C $99 and $199 for 16GB and 32GB, all on a two-year contract. The iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C will be released on September 20th in the United States, Canada, Australia, and for the first time at launch, China.
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